Thursday, January 22, 2009


Who else to begin this amazing blog other than by posting about our favorite poster: Pyke. Now I can't hope to include in a single post every single imbecilic and intellectually starved example of this person, so I am starting a column. The column will simply be titled, 'Pyke". I hope you enjoy.

I shall also take this moment to elaborate on our policy here at Bottom Law Schools: We do not post names. We either use TLS-handles, AIM handles (assuming they aren't too revealing of the poster's name), and occasionally LSAT/GPA to identify people. Actual names are strictly forbidden. Other than that, everything is fair game.

If you want to join this blog, simply comment on this post with your TLS Handle, why you want to join, and serial number (we leave you to figure what that is, but surprise us). Finally, we ask that you include a brief answer to one of the following two questions:
1) If you could be a kitchen appliance, which one would you be, and why?
2) Do you agree with the analytic/synthetic distinction as espoused by Immanuel Kant in "The Critique of Pure Reason"? If so, why?

Applications for admission will be reviewed by Lex Talionis and Me.

To close this post, we shall focus on a beautiful post by Mr. Pyke (AIM: Count Pyke; LSAT/GPA: 166/3.38; Law school: The University of Toronto School of Law).

Dear, dear Pyke. Is it too difficult for you to understand that sexual orientation and gender are two separate things?

You know, the University of Michigan (the school you desperately wanted to get into, but ended up rejected you), states the following regarding sexual orientation and gender:
sexual orientation:
Describes an individual's enduring physical, romantic, emotional and/or spiritual attraction to another person. Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same. Transgender people may be heterosexual, lesbian, gay, or bisexual. For example, a man who becomes a woman and is attracted to other women would be identified as a lesbian.

People can be attracted to other people of different genders, regardless of their own gender. This is why we allow for the concepts of homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, and so forth. They allow us to express the multitude of sexual preferences that human beings can possess.

Moreover, I find the use of 'natural' in your post to be rather oxymoronic; how is it at all "natural" to subscribe to a set of categories that do not account for the range of human emotions, feelings, and bonds? Do you mean to say that since a certain class of behavior cannot be adequately described within your rigid categories, it is simply unnatural? This is patently ridiculous. Clearly, the more natural system is one that allows for shades of gray and degrees. Sexuality isn't a binary system, and neither is gender.

That's it for today. If the above imaged thread is deleted, it has already been archived in our systems.


  1. TLS handle: Kiwislug
    Why I want to join: this blog, because Emmyd and Lex complete me
    Serial number: 34C
    1) If you could be a kitchen appliance, which one would you be, and why?
    I would be a toaster... not as obvious and slutty as an oven but still hot.
    2) Do you agree with the analytic/synthetic distinction as espoused by Immanuel Kant in "The Critique of Pure Reason"? If so, why?
    No... I appreciate Kant but I think he is too much of a fence sitter

  2. TLS: drewski803

    Serial number: FR0S-T3D-F14-K3S

    Why BLS?: Because TTTLS waitlisted me.

    Kitchen appliance: Octopus dishwasher from the flintstones.

  3. TLS: marytt2032

    Serial number: 34B2537

    Why?: Because I hope to one day be Emmy's sugarmama, and buy her all the shoes she could ever want.

    Kitchen appliance: Oven, because the microwave gives it up too quickly.

  4. Dear Martt2032,

    Thank you for your application to Bottom Law Schools. Every year, we welcome an incoming class of brilliant, motivated, and amazing individuals coming from myriad backgrounds. Unfortunately, the number of individuals possessing such attributes grossly outnumbers the number of spots available. Thus, despite your outstanding accomplishments, we are unable to accept your application for admission.

    We thank you for your interest, and note that every year, Bottom Law Schools admits a handful of students as transfer students. Regardless of whether you ultimately join us, we are sure you will be successful in your endeavors.

    The Bottom Law Schools Admissions Team
