Sunday, January 25, 2009

BLS Policy

It's come to my attention that people are uncertain what our outing policy is. Our purpose here at BLS is to outline the epic fails of TLS and to memorialize certain people, threads, and ideas. The necessity of this was recently demonstrated by a mod's locking the "I Got Into Boalt with a 159!" thread. The thread was epic, as several other posters seemed to indicate. Yet it was locked upon being bumped.

So while our purpose here is to do what was said above, we do follow some constraints here. The following is our policy:
1) At BLS, we do not out people. This involves not using names or other means of identification used in real life.
2) To designate a poster, we may use TLS handles, GPA/LSAT scores, and AIM screen-name.
3) The AIM screen-name can be used to designate a TLS poster provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:
  1. The AIM name was not derived directly from
  2. The AIM name is not sufficiently revealing of one's real name (or real life nickname)
4) Pictures may be used so long as they are publically posted Thus, pictures obtained via PM are not permissible unless the owner permits it to be posted. However, pictures posted on, say, a "self-tar" thread are permissible, for by posting it, we assume that the owner desired its dissemination.
5) An exception to the above rule is that if a picture was posted with the explicit intent of removing it later, it cannot be posted here.

Other admins here are free to add to the above policy. It's not our intention to harm anyone in real life. Such a consequence is never deserved by anyone, no matter how stupid, malicious, or downright oblivious they may be.

If a TLS moderator feels that something was done here in violation of our policy, or believes that we should expand or contract one of our rules, please comment and we will take it under immediate advisement.

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